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Your Brain is Truth-Seeking

Intellectual Operating Law Six
by Dr. Steven Cangiano

Your Brain is Truth-Seeking

Truth is survival! As humanity evolved, an accurate assessment of current reality was essential to our continued existence. Truth-seeking is instinctual and allows for a precise calculation of danger. We employ these instincts to this day. If a bus is careening toward us, we immediately evaluate the truth of the situation and move. You can observe these natural instincts in young children. As adults, we continue to seek the truth, covet openness, aspire to transparency and look for congruency in everything and everyone. We want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

 Truth-seeking comes in many forms and exists on many levels. There are philosophical truths that have been debated for thousands of years. There are objective truths found in nature and science. There are religious truths that require faith, and that attempt to explain the unexplainable. You have developed a set of personal truths that help you navigate your life. Humanity has developed a multitude of intersubjective truths. These truths come from our imaginations and allow us to cooperate on a massive scale. Credit cards are an excellent example. Everyone believes the story of the credit card. You can go halfway around the world, walk into a store owned by someone you have never met, who speaks a different language and prays to a different god, and hand her a worthless four-gram piece of plastic to buy thousands of dollars of goods or services. This is an amazing bit of intersubjective cooperation.  There are objective and subjective truths about life and about you. Which of these truths do you think is the most important?  

 Every living thing, except human beings, are only concerned with objective truths. When our evolutionary cousins, chimpanzees, are hungry, they search for the closest banana tree. Unfortunately, on this fateful day, there is a leopard near the banana tree. An accurate truth-seeking evaluation of this multilayered reality is necessary for the survival of our primate cousin. He considers: How hungry am I? How close am I to the tree versus the leopard? How fast can I run? And is it worth the risk? Based on his risk assessment, he will decide to either go hungry or risk an encounter with the leopard. The chimpanzee does not contemplate any subjective factors. He does not consider if God wants him to do this. He is not encouraged by the chimpanzee high priest to take unnecessary risks based on a primate banana deity. 

 What are the objective and subjective realities of your life? What is fact and what are the fictions you have created? These are important questions in truth-seeking. Know the truth and the truth will set you free, but at a price. The price is your subjective stories. The deeper purpose of the creative process is to discover your subjective truths to determine if your story is serving you. The beauty of being human is that you get to create your subjective truth. You create your reality. 

 Current reality is your most important objective personal truth. Since you are the perfect creator of your life, it provides everything you need to know to move your life forward. Another objective truth is that you are on a journey of expansion. Accelerating expansion is the true nature of reality. This, along with the other operating laws, will transform your life. You must concern yourself with the truth of your existence.  

 As you move through life, you naturally seek truth in every interaction. You seek people who are consistent. During every communication, you are calculating if someone words, emotions, and actions are in alignment, whether or not they are telling you the truth. When someone is not congruent, an uneasy internal feeling develops. This is your brain synergizing information and telling you to be cautious.  

 The same is true for you. You know when you are being congruent and when you are not. Personal incongruity leads to stress, anxiety, disease, decay, and eventually, death. We literally kill ourselves with our incongruent and conflicted thoughts. The insights you are learning here will help you become a congruent and consistent individual. You will live your truth. 

This is Part Six of a seven-part series.

Part One: The Human Brain Synergizes Information

Part Three: Your Brain Perfectly Mimics

Part Two: Your Brain is Driven to Succeed

Part Four: Your Brain Craves Completeness

Part Five: The Brain Seeks Information and Knowledge

Part Seven: Your Brain is Persistent

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