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The Law of Rhythm – Law Two

The Operating Laws of Life
by Dr. Steven Cangiano

The Law of Rhythm - Law Two

I am not a believer in astrology. I barely knew my sign until a recent interview I did with a very well-known astrologer, numerologist and lexigramist. It was not a contentious conversation, she is a delightful person. The intent was to help people unfamiliar with astrology understand it. Much like religion, astrology is iconic. Millions of people believe in it and use it to help navigate their lives. At the very least, we should all understand the appeal.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this astrologer promotes hard work. She explained that her readings offer insight, not predetermination. Her goal is to help her clients align their lives with their interests and abilities. Once she does this, she helps them achieve their newly discovered goals and visions.  I do not think our lives are determined by the stars or planets. Our path in life does not come from celestial synchronicities the moment we are born. I do, however, think that life has a rhythm dictated by the universe we live in. Much like a sextant used the stars to navigate ancient ships the law of rhythm will help you navigate your life.

All of life has a rhythm: the tides, the moon, the seasons, the years, and our bodies. There are seasons in everyone’s life. You have heard it said that spring always follows winter, and there is a time to sow and a time to reap. This is the great forward movement of the universe: birth, life, death. The flow of life is determined by the law of rhythm. Every generation is better than the previous, filled with expanding knowledge and an increasing number of innovators. We are living in the greatest era of change in human history. When you embrace this great forward movement of life, it will transform your existence.

The law of rhythm helps you realize that you cannot have an up day without a down day, and vice versa. You must remember this when you are having a difficult day, week, month, or year. The down periods allow you to experience the up periods. This is the normal cycle of life. In order to comply with the law of rhythm, always consider this insight and never allow yourself to get stuck in the down days. Accelerating expansion will guide you toward improving both the up and down days so that your overall trend is up. It is okay to take a day, a week, a month or a year to contemplate life; just remember to embrace the “down” days because without them, you would not understand or appreciate the “up” days.

The law of rhythm reminds me of the Fleetwood Mac song, “Landslide.” The lyrics include four very important questions:

…mirror in the sky what is love?

Can the child within my heart rise above?

Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides?

Can I handle the seasons of my life?

The ups and downs of life are as inevitable as the ocean tides. The important question is, are you prepared to handle the seasons of your life? Every season provides meaningful experiences and beautiful lessons. In the age of transformation, it is easy to get lost in the commotion; the technology and the toys. There are a multitude of distractions that can divert us from what is important. Focus on an expanding life. When you do, your up days will always trend higher. Your stars will metaphorically align.

I did have a disconcerting exchange with my astrology friend. I explained that everyone in my immediate family are Geminis; my four kids and wife. Her concern for me was apparent through her pregnant pause and troubled facial expression. She exclaimed, “The Gemini sign is twins, so you actually have ten immediate family members.” I thought for a second, maybe she has a point!

Please consider who you will be and how you will you experience the seasons of your life.

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